The story you tell yourself in your mind is the cause of the unfortunate circumstances you claim to be a victim of. When this inner story changes, the people, events, and circumstances around you also change.
You cannot frown, cry, and complain in front of a mirror and expect the reflection to smile back and turn positive.For instance, if you feel ignored or disrespected, it is a direct reflection of what you believe about yourself. If, deep within, consciously or not, you believe you are unworthy of love, respect, or abundance, you will unconsciously shape your daily life to match that belief. This is the principle of correspondence:
“As above, so below; as below, so above” – The Emerald Tablet (Tabula Smaragdina).
To go further, the separation between an external world and an internal world (or an “inner experience” separate from the “outside”) does not truly exist. There is only Consciousness, manifesting as ONE experience. Thus, the way you are and behave determines how things seem to appear in your daily life and how others seem to treat you consistently. Your experience of reality can only change if YOU CHANGE.
EVERYONE—every person you meet and interact with, every situation or event you experience—is a mirror showing you what is happening in your subconscious.Your experience of others—friends or foes, loved ones or strangers—is entirely shaped by YOU. The way you perceive them, interpret their actions and words, and even how you feel in their presence, all reflect your own beliefs and judgments.
If you are inconsistent in showing love, respect, patience, admiration, generosity, and kindness to the “characters” appearing in your life, and if you refuse to regularly express gratitude for your existence, this is why your experience reflects the lack of all these things. If you harbor resentment towards someone, that too is part of your reflection.
The mirror of the world does not only reflect what you wish to see. It does not lie. The way you treat others is a direct reflection of how you treat yourself. Each person you interact with reveals a facet of yourself in some way.
So, when you finally and truly believe that you deserve love, respect, or wealth, and more profoundly, that you ARE already Love, Respect, Fulfillment, Joy, and Abundance manifested, you will begin to notice experiences in your life that reflect that belief. Everything else—whether negative or not—no longer aligns with a limited, negative perception of the “Self,” but instead transcends the notions of “inner” and “outer,” of a self separated from “others.”
By perceiving everything that unfolds and every character that appears as reflections of yourself, everything becomes an opportunity:Compliment a stranger. Show gratitude to a friend. Forgive your parents and siblings. Be patient and kind to a stressed person. Treat people the way you would like to be treated, and so on.
This is how you can transform your entire life.The love you manifest is never lost; it is instantly amplified within You in magical ways. However, this concept requires you to fully accept responsibility for what you project into the world from moment to moment. Be the artist of your life, and transform your thoughts into a masterpiece brimming with meaning and joyful wonder.
How much energy are you willing to invest to change
your perception of yourself and your view of the world?
